Saturday, September 12, 2020

Clashes between locals of two villages over the dispute of herbs collection

Province 6, Humla, Kharpunath, Ward 5 - #InterpersonalViolence, Locals of Kharpunath  Rural Municipality-5, Durpa village and Kharpel village of Humla clashed on Wednesday and Thursday over the dispute of collecting herbs from the Malika Devi community forest area. The clash took place when the villagers of Kharpel were collecting herbs while the villagers of Durpa had stopped exporting herbs from the Malika Devi community forest area. Abir Adi of Durpa village was injured in the clash and was treated at the district hospital, Simikot. Similarly, Seven others also sustained minor injuries in the clash.According to Mandir Adi, chairperson of Malika Devi Community Forest, a group of youths from Kharpel village tried to attack them again on Thursday morning while the injured were being brought to the district hospital for treatment. DSP Surya Prasad Subedi of the District Police Office,  the group who tried to attack the locals of Kharpel village was chased away by the police on Thursday morning.

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