Sunday, September 13, 2020

TAAN to provide credit cards to members


The Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal (TAAN) has issued a notice today to its member trekking agencies requesting them to apply for a credit card. Aiming at the welfare of trekking agency owners during this pandemic TAAN has decided to provide credit cards with a hope that the cards will help them in getting through this crisis, said Khum Subedi, president of TAAN. TAAN will be distributing the credit cards through which trekking agency owners can withdraw loans in association with Machhapuchchhre Bank.

Prior to this, TAAN has already started the process of distributing credit cards to trekking guides, added Subedi.

As per the agreement, the bank will provide credit cards to trekking guides of its member agencies who have been rendered jobless.

Trekking guides can withdraw Rs 15,000 per month and up to Rs 180,000 annually.

The trekking guides can pay the credit amount within one year of the withdrawal date.

Similarly, agency owners can withdraw Rs 25,000 per month and up to Rs 200,000 a year and they too can pay back the credit amount within one year.

“As the government has not been able to do anything to provide respite to the tourism workers this initiative taken by TAAN is truly commendable,” said Amber Tamang, manager of Three Jewels Adventures.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the industry very badly and many people dependent on the tourism business have been significantly affected.

Thus, this step taken by TAAN will go a long way in supporting such workers, he said, adding, “And now TAAN has also decided to provide credit cards to owners which is a big relief for us.”

TAAN President Subedi, however, said that the process of distributing credit cards to guides has been delayed a bit due to the recent prohibitory order. “Within two to three days we will begin providing the credit cards.

Simultaneously, cards for agencies will also be processed,” he said, adding, “Our aim is to provide relief to our workers as we don’t know how far this crisis will last. We are doing whatever we can.”

The post TAAN to provide credit cards to members appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

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