Friday, March 27, 2020

Govt-own company to sell foodstuffs online during coronavirus crisis


Kathmandu, March 28

As the public is finding it difficult to buy foodstuffs due to the lockdown and other obstructions in the supply system, the government is preparing to mobilise a company owned by itself to sell the essential foodstuffs online.

The Food Management and Trading Company Limited, established after the merger of National Food Corporation and National Trading Limited, will receive online orders from the customers and deliver the goods online.

The company’s deputy director-general, Mani Raj Khanal, says an online platform is being developed to launch the new distribution system. He says the customers can make their orders with mobile phones once the system is developed.

The company has expedited its preparations to launch the system before the crisis ends, but it will continue after the crisis is over also, the sources say.

The company has been restricted to supplying the foodstuffs to the remote places up to now.

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